

Common functional food additives

Sugar alcohols

mainly xylitol, mannitol, lactitol, sorbitol, maltitol, etc. These sugar alcohols have low calories, do not stimulate the secretion of guanosine, can relieve diabetes, prevent obesity and prevent dental caries. The most widely used internationally is sorbitol (Sorbitol).


mainly include fructooligosaccharides, xylo-oligosaccharides, isomerized lactose, sorbose, galactooligosaccharides, soybean oligosaccharides, etc.

The main function of oligosaccharides: it can be utilized by bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract to promote the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract, thereby forming the advantage of beneficial flora.

Anti-free radical substances

Free radicals in the human body are intermediate products of various biochemical reactions in life activities. Excessive free radicals in the human body will cause damage to substances such as nucleic acids in cells and tissues.

Vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin B, β-carotene and other substances and polyphenols such as tea polyphenols (green tea extract), sage oil, rosemary, sesamol (black sesame extract), etc. can apture free radicals in the body. At present, there are relatively few researches on anti-free radical substances, and the theoretical research and practice are still lacking, but the health-care functions of these substances have attracted great attention from scientific researchers, personnel and consumers.

Edible Phospholipids

The main varieties are soybean lecithin and lecithin. Phospholipids are an important component of cell membranes, which play a role in protecting cells and transferring metabolites. Edible phospholipids can repair the biofilm damaged by free radicals in the body, thereby delaying the aging of the body.