

What are the functional raw materials of anti-aging cosmetics?

1. Raw materials with moisturizing and skin barrier function

These raw materials can keep the moisture content in the stratum corneum of the skin in an appropriate range and reduce the formation of wrinkles. Such as glycerin, allantoin, sodium pyrrolidone carboxylate, lactic acid and sodium lactate, ceramide and hyaluronic acid.

2. Raw materials to promote cell proliferation and metabolism

Such raw materials can promote cell division and proliferation, promote cell metabolism, accelerate the renewal rate of epidermal cells, and delay skin aging. Such as cell growth factors (including epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, keratinocyte growth factor, etc.), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), retinoic acid, fruit acid, marine peptide, sheep embryonic hormone, β-glucan sugar, uridine and carba elastin, etc.

3. Antioxidant raw materials

Aging is closely related to many oxidative reactions, and anti-oxidation can resist aging, so such raw materials have an irreplaceable role in anti-aging cosmetics. Commonly used antioxidant raw materials are:

Vitamins, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, etc.;

Biological enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), coenzyme Q10, etc.;

Flavonoids, such as proanthocyanidins, tea polyphenols, baicalin, etc.;

Proteins, such as metallothionein, papain and sericin.

4. Sunscreen ingredients

Long-term ultraviolet radiation will accelerate the aging process of the skin and make the skin prematurely age, so sunscreen raw materials are an essential type of anti-aging products.

5. Natural extracts with complex effects

Many natural animal and plant extracts have good anti-aging effects, and they are usually compound effects from multiple angles. They have the advantages of mild effect, long-lasting stability, wide application range and high safety. They are more and more favored by consumers. Approved. In particular, some Chinese herbal extracts have been widely used in anti-aging products, such as ginseng, astragalus, gynostemma pentaphyllum, velvet antler, ganoderma lucidum, sea buckthorn, poria, angelica, pearl, ginkgo and evening primrose.

6. Trace elements

The anti-aging effect of trace elements has become a research hotspot in aging biology in recent years. A large number of studies have proved that the trace elements closely related to anti-aging mainly include zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.