

There are so many benefits of rosemary!

【 Industrial Value of Rosemary 】

Rosemary contains carnosic acid, carnosol, rosemary phenol, ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid and other antioxidant components, which is currently recognized as one of the plants with high antioxidant effect. As early as the late 1960s and early 1970s, German and Japanese scientists successively isolated components with high antioxidant capacity from rosemary. The Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences also extracted the aromatic oil from the stems and leaves of rosemary by CO2 supercritical extraction method, and extracted edible antioxidants.

Antioxidants extracted from rosemary are now widely used in medicine, fried food, oil-rich food and the preservation of various oils and fats. Rosemary essence is used in daily chemical industries such as spices, air fresheners, ant repellants, and sterilization and insecticide. Many well-known cosmetics now contain rosemary extracts, and it is also widely used in beverages, skin care oils, hair restorers, and laundry creams.

【 Health Value of Rosemary】

Research from Northumbria University in the United Kingdom shows that the unique smell of rosemary can enhance people's memory, improve retrospective memory and prospective memory. This unique smell comes from a compound in the plant called eucalyptol. Therefore, rosemary has the effect of calming and refreshing, refreshing the brain, and can also be used to treat insomnia and palpitations. It also has the effect of improving language, vision, and hearing impairments and enhancing attention.

In addition, rosemary also has the effect of strengthening the heart and helps to relieve arteriosclerosis. It has the effect of promoting metabolism and blood circulation of peripheral blood vessels, and has a certain auxiliary effect on restoring the mobility of paralyzed limbs and treating rheumatic pain; it has a certain effect on indigestion and stomach pain. After mashing it, soak it in boiling water and drink it, it can play a sedative and diuretic effect; in addition, it can strengthen liver function and lower blood sugar.

Rosemary also has beauty effects. Regular consumption of rosemary tea can reduce wrinkles, remove freckles, lower cholesterol, and inhibit obesity. It also has certain effects. Rosemary also has a strong astringent effect, conditioning greasy skin, promoting blood circulation, stimulating hair regeneration, and improving hair loss.