

Source and properties of dihydroquercetin

1. Dihydroquercetin is mainly found in grape skins, seeds and stems, and can also be found in other plants such as peanuts and pine trees. Dihydroquercetin has excellent antioxidant properties, can effectively remove free radicals, and reduce the damage of oxidative stress to the skin.

In addition, it also has multiple biological activities such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-cancer, which has a positive effect on human health.

2. The mechanism of action of dihydroquercetin in delaying skin aging.

(1) Antioxidant effect: As a powerful antioxidant, dihydroquercetin can effectively remove free radicals and reduce oxidative damage to the skin caused by ultraviolet rays, environmental pollution and other factors. By inhibiting oxidative stress, dihydroquercetin can protect skin cells from damage and delay the aging process of the skin.

(2) Anti-inflammatory effect: In the process of skin aging, inflammation plays an important role. Dihydroquercetin can inhibit the occurrence and development of inflammatory reactions and reduce the damage caused by inflammation to the skin. By inhibiting the production and release of inflammatory mediators, dihydroquercetin can reduce the level of skin inflammation, thereby delaying skin aging.

(3) Promote collagen synthesis: Collagen is an important component of the skin, and its content and structure are closely related to skin elasticity and firmness. Dihydroquercetin can promote the synthesis and secretion of collagen, increase the content of collagen in the skin, thereby improving skin elasticity and firmness, and delaying skin aging.

(4) Inhibit melanin production: Melanin is the main cause of skin pigmentation and one of the important signs of skin aging. Dihydroquercetin can inhibit the activity of melanocytes and the production of melanin, reduce skin pigmentation, and make the skin fairer and more translucent.